Senin, 08 April 2013



Understanding Decision Making
Some proposed definitions of decision-making experts described as follows (Hasan, 2004):

1. According to George R. Terry
Decision making is the selection of alternative behavior (behavior) of certain of two or more alternatives.
2. According S.P. Siagian
Decision making is a systematic approach to the nature of the alternatives they face and take appropriate action according to the calculations is the most appropriate action.
3. According to James A.F. Stoner
Decision making is a process used to choose an action as a way of solving the problem.
Notions of the above decision, it can be concluded that decision making is a process of selecting the best alternative from several alternatives systematically to follow up (used) as a way of solving the problem

According Sondang P. Siagian was quoted as saying by the GK. Manila
in his book Management Practices in State Government, there
four models of decision making that is:

a. Model optimization. Decision-making in order to obtain results
which can be achieved and can not be separated from the limited resources
no. This model is based on the maximum criteria, probability, and

b. Models satisfying. Decision making is not solely
through rationality and logic approach procedure but in reality,
so that decision makers are satisfied with and proud when
decisions taken are adequate to fruition.

c. Mixed scanning models. Decision-making that incorporates
Among high rationality approach with a pragmatic approach.
d. Heuristic models. Decision making based on concepts entirely
ynag held by decision makers that is based on
his own views on the problem at hand.

While Bedjo Siswanto in his book Modern Management
said there are two models of decision making that often there
within the organization, namely:
a. Normative model, which is a model of decision making
embody the manager about how he should take
a group decision. These models have generally been developed by
economists and other management scientists. One example of this model
in educational institutions is about financial budgeting.

b. Descriptive models, ie models that explain the decision-making
concrete behavior and this model has been developed by behavioral scientists

Opinion for this article : I think the decision-making must consider what will be decided to achieve maximum results as what is already planned and could possibly reduce the risk of the impact of the decision-making


propose kkt. 1 mengusulakan. I p. this change Saya usulkan perubahan ini. 2 bermaksud, berniat. 3 mengemukakan (s.o's name as). 4 menganjurkan (a toast). 5 menawarkan. -kki. melamar.
described uraikan
according menurut
alternative kb. pilihan (antara dua hal), alternatip, jalan lain --ks. cadangan.
behavior kb. 1 kelakuan. 2 tindak-tanduk. 3 jalan. on o's best b. bertingkah laku dengan sopan.
systematic ks. 1 sistematis. 2 secara teratur, rapi (of a person). -systematically kk. 1 menurut sistim/susunan teratur. 2 secara sistematis.
approach kb. 1 mendekatnya, datangnya, menjelang, tibanya. 2 jalan. 3 perdekatan, pendekatan.
appropriate ks. 1 tepat. He came at the a. moment Ia datang pada waktu yang tepat. 2 cocok, pantas, kena.. --kkt. 1 menyediakan. 2 mengambil untuk diri sendiri.
solving memecahkan
notions barang kelontong
conclude kkt. 1 menutup, mengakhiri. 2 menandatangani. 3 menyimpulkan. -kki. menarik kesimpulan, berpendapat.
government kb. 1 pemerintah. 2 pemerintahan. 3 ilmu pemerintahan/politik.
obtain kkt. 1 mendapat(kan), memperoleh. 2 menghasilkan. -kki. berlaku.
separate kb. salinan (from a periodical). -ks. 1 terpisah. 2 tersendiri. -kkt. 1 memisahkan (milk). 2 menjarakkan (two boxers). -kki. 1 berpisah (of a couple).
resource kb. 1 sumber penghasilan. 2 sumber. 3 akal.
benefit kb. 1 kebaikan, manfaat. 2 kepentingan. b. of the doubt pembebasan dari dakwaan. of b. berguna, berfaedah. -kkt. menguntungkan. -kki. beruntung.
solely semata-mata
entirely seluruhnya



Six steps in the decision making process with diagram are discussed below.

      1.            Defining and Analysing the real problem

The manager should first find out what is the real problem. The problem may be due to bad relations between management and employees, decrease in sales, increase in cost, etc. After finding out the true problem manager must analyse it carefully. He should find out the cause and effect of the problem.

      2.            Developing Alternative Solutions

After defining and analysing the real problem, the manager should develop (make) alternative (different) solutions for solving the problem. Only realistic solutions should be considered. Group participation and computers should be used for developing alternative solutions.

      3.            Evaluating the Alternative Solutions

The manager should carefully evaluate the merits and demerits of each alternative solution. He should compare the cost of each solution. He should compare the risks involved. He should also compare the feasibility of each solution. He should find out which solution will be accepted by the employees.

      4.            Selecting the best Solution

After evaluating all the solutions, the manager should select the best solution. He should select a solution which is less costly and less risky. He should select a solution which is most feasible and which is accepted by the employees. In short, the manager should select a solution which has the most merits and least demerits. The best solution is called the "Decision".

      5.            Implementing the Decision

After making the decision, the manager should implement it. That is, he should put the decision into action. He should communicate the decision to the employees. He should persuade the employees to accept the decision. This can be done by involving them in the decision making process. Then the manager should provide the employees with all the resources, which are required for implementing the decision. He should also motivate them to implement the decision.

      6.            Follow Up

After implementing the decision, the manager must do follow up. That is, he must get the feedback about the decision. He should find out whether the decision was effective or not. This is done by comparing the decision with the action, finding out the deviations (differences) and taking essential steps to remove these deviations. So, follow-up is just like the control function. It helps to improve the quality of future decisions.

defining melukiskan
due kb. hak. She never asks for more than her d. Dia tak pernah meminta lebih daripada haknya. -dues j. iuran. -ks. Seharusnya
relation kb. 1 hubungan (between two countries). 2 pamili, sanak. relations j. persetubuhan. to have relations with bersetubuh dengan.
developing mengembang;kan
considered mempertimbangkan
merit kb. 1 kebaikan, jasa. to go into the merits of a proposal memperhitungkan kebaikan/segi baik dari sesuatu usul. 2 guna, manfaat (of a plan).
demerit kb. 1 cela, kekurangan. 2 angka buruk. to receive a d. for tardiness memperoleh angka buruk karena kelambanan.
feasibility kb. kemungkinan terjadi/dikerjakan.
implementing menerapkan
persuade kkt. 1 membujuk. 2 mengajak. 3 mendesak. 4 meyakinkan.
involving menyertakan
implement kb. alat, peralatan. -kkt. melaksanakan. to i. the new regulation melaksanakan peraturan baru itu.
resource kb. 1 sumber penghasilan. 2 sumber. 3 akal.
require kkt. 1 memerlukan, membutuhkan (a lot of work, much money). 2 mengharuskan. 3 mewajibkan. 4 menghendaki. 5 memaksa. -kki. dibutuhkan, diperlukan.
feedback kb. 1 skakelar arus balik. 2 pengaruh arus-balik.
whether ksam. apa(kah). Do you know w. she's coming ? Tahukah engkau apakah ia akan datang atau tidak?
essential kb. essentials j. 1 hal-hal yang perlu. 2 barang-barang yang perlu. 3 sifat-sifat dasar. -ks. esensiil, perlu sekali. -essentially kk . pada dasarnya/pokoknya.



Mangers perform various functions, but one of the most important and least understood aspects of their job is proper utilization of people. Research reveals that worker performance is closely related to motivation; thus keeping employees motivated is an essential component of good management in a business context, motivation refers to the stimulus that direct the behavior of workers toward the company goals. In order to motivated workers to achieve company goals, managers must beware of their needs.

Many managers believe workers will be motivated to achieve organizational goals by satisfying their fundamental needs for material survival. These needs include a good salary, safe working conditions and job security. While absence of these factors results in poor morale and dissatisfaction, studies have shown that their presence result only in maintenance of existing attitudes and work performance. Although important, salary, working conditions, and job security do not provide the primary motivation for many workers in highly industrialized societies, especially at the professional or technical levels.

Increased motivation is more likely to occur when work meets the needs of individuals for learning, self-realization, and personal growth. By responding to personal needs-the desire for responsibility, recognition, growth, promotion, and more interesting work-managers have altered conditions in the workplace and, consequently, many employees are motivated to perform more effectively.

In an attempt to appeal to both the fundamental and personal needs of workers, innovative management approaches, such as job enrichment and job enlargement, have been adopted in many organizations. Job enrichment gives workers more authority in making decisions related to planning and doing their work. A worker might assume responsibility for
scheduling work flow, checking quality of work produced, or making sure deadlines are met. Job enlargement increases the number of tasks workers perform by allowing them to rotate positions or by giving them responsibility for doing several jobs. Rather than assembling just one component of an automobile, factory workers might be grouped together and given responsibility for assembling the entire fuel system.

By improving the quality of work life through satisfaction of fundamental and personal employee needs, managers attempt to direct the behavior of workers toward the company goals.
improving meningkat;kan
quality kb. (j. -ties) 1 mutu, kwalitas. the q. of the work mutu pekerjaan. 2 sifat. her personal qualities sifat-sifat pribadinya.
through ks. 1 selesai, siap. 2 terus(an). -kk. 1 dari permulaan sampai habis. 2 terus. 3 menyambung. -kd. 1 melalui. 2 melewati, lewat. 3 karena. 4 terus. 5 diluar.
satisfaction kb. 1 kepuasan (hati). 2 pelunasan (of a debt).
fundamental kb. pokok, asas, fundamentil. fundamentals of algebra pokok-pokok aljabar. -ks. yang (menjadi) pokok atau asas. f. objections keberatan-keberatan pokok.
employee kb. pegawai, pekerja, karyawan, karyawati (fem.). -employees j. personil, para karyawan.
attempt kb. percobaan, usaha. He will succeed or perish in the a. Ia akan berhasil atau mati didalam percobaan. -kkt. mencoba. The plane attemped a landing Kapal terbang itu mencoba mendarat.
behavior kb. 1 kelakuan. 2 tindak-tanduk. 3 jalan. on o's best b. bertingkah laku dengan sopan.
toward ke arah
assembling mengumpulkan
several kb. beberapa orang. S. went Beberapaorang pergi. -ks. beberapa.
enlargement kb. pembesaran.
assume kkt. 1 mengambil. 2 memikul, menerima, menanggung. 3 memangku, mulai bekerja. 4 menganggap. -kki. 1 mengira, menganggap, mengharap. 2 bukan.
authority kb. (j. -ties) 1 wibawa. 2 hak untuk bertindak 3 ahli. 4 wewenang. 5 sumber. -the authorities j. 1 yang berkuasa. 2 para ahli.
appeal kb. 1 seruan. 2 permohonan (dari hati ke hati) . 3 banding, apel, pertimbangan. 4 daya penarik. kki. to a. a case naik banding (dalam suatu perkara.).
adopt kkt. 1 mengambil, memakai. 2 mengangkat, memungut.3 menyetujui.
workplace tempat kerja
utilization kb. penggunaan, pemanfaatan.